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Since the fall of Caine, within the ranks of the Damned have existed kings, warriors, artisans, and madmen. Always, they granted the Embrace to the few mortals they deemed worthy of the Blood; never did the Kindred realize that the Blood could be stolen from them . After several millennia, the Kindred became too comfortable in this false-belief. It was then that a group of ambitious mortal mages saw the potential benefits of unlife, and stepped forth and seized the Blood. Among the kings, warriors, artisans, and madmen emerged a new vampire: the Magus. These newborn vampires set their roots deep and weathered mighty assaults from the slighted elder Kindred of the Olde World. Steadfast, the wizards survived these battles, a clear message that these newborn va mpires demanded recognition as a clan among the Kindred. They are now recognized as clan Tremere.
Tonight, the Tremere are one of the most respected and feared clans. Having existed for less than a thousand years, the wizards have achieved as much, if not more, than any of the other clans. They are highly organized and wield the fearsome power of Thaumaturgy. Few Kindred are willing to make enemies of the Tremere, in fear of the retribution they would suffer.
Recently, rumors have surfaced of ancient bloodlines re-emerging from the past. Once suffering at the hands of the Tremere, these Kindred seek vengeance against the wizards. So now, in these final nights, the Tremere are again setting their roots deep, in preparation for the coming storm.
This site is brought to you by Chris Shibley, Cam #9910-070. If you have questions or suggestions, please e-mail me.
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